I have bad news this time. Our offer to buy Ryzom and release it a Free
Software MMORPG has been declined by the court.At the end, there were three offers presented, and the other two were
bigger than our's. They are keeping more employees than we do, and
offer more money. We should get the details of the other offers soon,
so we should be able to know more more then. In the meantime, I would
like to personally congratulate the winner, Gameforge, and I wish them
good luck.However, even if a conventional company is winning the bid here, the
campaign is still a success. It has made a lot of noise on the Net, it
has been covered by mainstream medias, we have found two FOSS
investors, we have got the backing of the FSF, 170 K€ of donation
pledges have been registered, and – perhaps the most important – we
have found we were not alone dreaming having of own our A-Grade MMORPG,
of owning a world.We are currently discussing how we could still achieve that. If you want
to join us, please come and take a seat in our boards:http://www.ryzom.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=1
On behalf of the Ryzom.org community.